Friday, May 29, 2020

Business Value of Good Corporate Governance Essay Online For Free - Free Essay Example

Recently, there are some studies about the influence of corporate governance mechanisms on bond rating and yield done by the investigators such likes the impact of default risk, risk between the management and providers of capital, misallocation of funds and so on. It is very important to view these valuable papers because it guides us in our study as well to do better and learn from previous error. In our study on the affects of bond yield, we compare the effectiveness of alternative methods done by the previously papers so that we can proceed our study appropriately and systematically. Thus, we will find out some relevant research reports, journals, books, reading materials and so on from different ideals and expertise about the bond yields and it ratings. The following are divided into few sections. The first section discussed the general theories that related to corporate governance and yields and bond ratings. Next, empirical model used in previous studies are discussed. In the third section it discussed the empirical evidence on the effect of corporate governance on bond yields and bond ratings. These are several general ideas that were obtained from authors of prior studies about the corporate governance, yields, and bond ratings. All of the idea from prior study will lead in this study and result can be compared since this study is about Malaysian listed companies while some other studies are about other countries. Lastly, it concludes the literature reviews in overall. Each of the literature review are summarize into table form on the end of this chapter. 2.2 Theoretical Framework 2.2.1 Theory Corporate governance encompasses a broad spectrum of mechanisms intended to mitigate agency risk by increasing the monitoring of managements actions, limiting managers opportunistic behavior, and improving the quality of firms information flows (Zulkufly and Hafiz, 2010). Bhojraj and Sengupta (2003) states debt yield and ratings are essentially determined by the probability that the firm will not be able to meet its obligations and by the degree of protection afforded to the lenders in such an event. Norliza et al. (2009) study states that there are three type of relationship between yields and bond price which are (1) coupon yield which referred to interest paid to the bondholder as a percentage of bond par value, namely coupon rate of the bond; (2) current yield which being measured by the annual coupon income divided by bonds market price; and (3) yield to maturity (YTM) which provide more comprehensive measurement of the bond or return by estimating the total amount of in come for the entire period of bond holdings. 2.2.2 Models Bhojraj and Sengupta (2003) in their study calculated approximately the effect of corporate governance on yields and bond ratings over the period of 1991-1996 with 1005 samples of industrial bond which collected from Warga Fixed Income Database. There are two general model functions have been applied in his study which are: Bond Ratings = f (governance variables, control variables); (1) Bond Yields = f (governance variables, control variables). (2) Model one above is use for testing the effect of governance variables on bond ratings and model two is use to testing the effect of corporate governance variables on bond yields. The governance yields and bond ratings variables in Bhojraj and Sengupta (2003) study are as follow: INST the percentage of the companys common stock held by institutions. INST have positively related to bond ratings but negatively related to bond yields. Result is consistent with INST having a favorable impact on default risk. OUTDIR the perce ntage of the board of directors who are not also officer of the firm. Result is consistent with OUTDIR having a favorable impact on default risk. OUTDIR have positive relations with bond ratings and negatively related to bond yields. INST5 the percentage of the companys common stock held by the five largest institutional owner of the firm. INST5 have negative relations with bond ratings and positively related to bond yields. BLOCK the total percentage of companys stock held by institutions owning 5% or more of the companys stock. BLOCK have negative relations with bond ratings and positively related to bond yields. The control variables are as follow: YIELD yield to maturity on bond issue minus yield to maturity on government Treasury bond of similar maturity. RATING ordinal variable taking on value from 1 to 6 representing Moodys bond rating B or below, Ba, Baa, A, Aa, and Aaa, respectively. LSIZE log of the size of issue. LSIZE have inversely related to bond yiel ds and positively associated with credit ratings. MATUR years to maturity. Bond with longer maturity is expected to have a higher yields and lower ratings because of their greater risk exposure. LSIZE have negatively related to bond ratings and positively related to bond yields. CALL the ratio of the days to first call dividend by the days to maturity. 1 represented no call while 0 represent callable from the date of issue. CALL will negatively associate with bond yields and positively associated with Moodys ratings. SENIOR 1 if the debt is senior and 0 otherwise. Senior debt is expected to be associated with lower yields and higher bond ratings. SENIOR have positively related to bond ratings and negatively related to bond yields. SINK 1 if the debt has sinking fund and 0 otherwise. Sinking fund provisions reduce default risk so that this should be negatively associated with bond yields and positively associated with bond ratings. DE book value of long term debt divid ed by the market value of common equity at the end of year t. firm with higher debt to equity ratio are expected to have a higher yields and lower ratings. DE have negatively related to bond ratings and positively related to bond yields. MARGIN income before extraordinary items divided by total assets of year t. firms with higher profit margin are expected to enjoy lower yields and higher ratings. MARGIN have positively related to bond ratings and negatively related to bond yields. ASSET total assets at the end of year t. Larger firms are expected to enjoy a lower YIELD and higher RATING because of their lower market risk. ASSET have positively related to bond ratings and negatively related to bond yields. MKBK market value of common equity divided by the book of common equity at the end of year t. firms with higher MKBK represented high growth firms that could be associated with greater risk. This suggests MKBK have a positively associated with bond yields and negatively a ssociated with credit ratings. CUMRET cumulative daily stock return over year t; CUMRET capture the stock price performance of the firm over a period. This would be positively associated with future expected cash flows of the firm, which suggest a lower default risk. BETA market beta calculated using daily stock returns over period t; BETA captures the systematic risk of the firm, which is expected to be positively associated with default risk. This suggest that BETA would positively associated with YIELD and negatively associated with RATING. Bhojraj and Sengupta (2003) study using few tests which are Ordered Probit Regression, where it used ratings as dependent variable; next, they used OLS regression to test the effect of corporate governance mechanisms on bond yields; 3SLS regression also been used and the result show that YIELD in the INST regression is negatively and statistically significant at 0.01 level. On the other hand, Norliza et al. (2009), also have study regarding yield spreads but macroeconomic variables such as Consumer Price Index (CPI), interest rate (IR), Industry Production Index (IPI) and Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) have been used. Their data consists of monthly observation since January 2001 to December 2008, with a total 149 Malaysian Government Securities data and 238 Corporate Bond (CB) data. All of the data are collected from Economics Report and the Bank Negara website. The model of their study is as follow: (3) Result from the long run equation show that there is negative relationship between Corporate Bond yield spread and KLCI, IPI and IR and positive relationship between Corporate Bond yield spread and CPI. On the other hand, result from granger causality show that the relationship suggests that the movement of KLCI, CPI and IPI can be used as a useful and reliable indicator to predict IR. The presence of unidirectional causality effect from IPI to corporate bond implies that the economic growth as mea sured by IPI Granger cause yield spread. Lastly, Ziebart and Reiter (1992) also study regarding bond yields and bond ratings. There study consists of 189 new industrial binds issued between February 1981 and February 1985. The result for their study show that the used of simultaneous equation modeling result in the ability to conclude that financial information affects bond ratings, and bond ratings directly affect the bond yields, that financial information indirectly affect bond yields through the link to bond ratings, and that financial information also directly affect bond yields. The model use in Ziebart and Reiter (1992) study are as follow: (4) (5) The variables used to proxy for issue characteristics, macroeconomic conditions and financial information with the explanation of their expected signs of the model are the following: (4.1) (5.1) OFYLD offering yield on the new issue RATE Moodys or Standard Poors bond rating Issue characteristics: S FMAT Years to maturity (adjusted for sinking fund provision). Have positive relations with OFYLD. SF Presence of a sinking fund agreement (0,1). Positively related to OFYLD. SUB Subordinate status (0,1). Positively related to OFYLD and negatively related to RATE. LPER Natural log of term of call or refunding protection. Negatively related to OFYLD DFYLD Difference between offering yield and the yield to first call or refunding date. Negatively related to OFYLD. DISC original issue discount (0,1). Positively related to OFYLD. ISSUE Natural log of issue size. Negative relationship with OFYLD. Macroeconomic conditions: MOOD Index of consumer sentiment. Have a negative relation with OFYLD. TYIELD Average level of U.S. Treasury issues with 10-year or longer maturity dates. Have a positive relationship with OFYLD Financial information: BETA Value Line beta. Positively related to OFYLD and negatively related to RATE. COV Interest coverage ratio: interest expense/ income before interest and taxes. Positively related to OFYLD but negatively related to RATE. TO Turnover ratio: net income/total asset. Negatively related to OFYLD but positively related to RATE. DE Debt to equity ratio: long term debt/market value of common equity. Positively related to OFYLD but negatively related to RATE. SIZE Natural log of total assets. Positively related to RATE. 2.3 Empirical Evidence Concept of corporate governance describe as referring to corporate decision making and control particularly the structure of the board and its working procedure since corporate governance describe as which the government of company; the director is responsible to its electorate; the shareholders (Kim and Rasiah, 2010). Corporate governance also stated as a set of rule and procedure by Kim and Rasiah (2010) where it is use to ensure the managers do their indeed employ by the principles of value based management. Result of Bhojraj and Sengupta (2003) study show that firm with larger institutional ownership enjoy higher bond ratings and lower bond yields after controlling for other potential determinants of ratings and yields. When institutional ownership gets concentrated, firm will face a lower ratings and higher bond yields while when firm have a greater percentage of outside directors on the board are found to have higher ratings and lower bond yields (Bhojraj and Sengupta, 200 3). Norliza et al (2009) find that investors with higher risk tolerance may consider increasing their investments in this investment during economic uncertainty such as indicated by increasing CPI and decrease in IPI while during economic turmoil, investor may benefit from higher yield spread due to the increase of risk premium. This study shows that interest rate is one of the major factors that determine bond yield spread. It does also conclude that the higher the yields given by the corporate bonds as a mean to compensate for the instruments risk exposure. According to Bhojraj Sengupta (2003), small changes in debt yields could lead to large shifts in capital allocation, therefore, this study explore the influence of corporate governance mechanism on bond ratings and yield. Governance mechanism can reduce default risk by migrating agency costs and monitoring managerial performance and by reducing information asymmetry between the firm and the leaders (Bhojraj Sengupta, 20 03). Klock et al. (2005) compute bond ratings using a conversion process in which AAA-rated bonds are assigned a value of 22 and D-rated bonds a value of 1. For example, a firm with an A+ rating from SP would receive a score of 18 (Liu and Jiraporn, 2010). SP credit ratings are following in Liu and Jiraporn (2010) study because prior research argues that the SP ratings reflect the overall credit worthiness of the firm. Bhojraj and Sengupta (2003) find that institutional ownership is an important determinant of credit ratings and yield spreads. According to Ziebart and Reiter (1992), yields model typically model the bond yields as a function of macroeconomic conditions, issues characteristics and default measurements; where this default risk usually represented by bond ratings. On the other hand, when governance mechanism reduces the agency risk, firm with stronger governance should be associated with the superior bond ratings and lower yields (Bhojraj and Sengupta, 2003). Besi des, their study also proves that governance mechanisms can help to reduce the information risk by inducing the firm to disclose information in a timely manner. Skaife et al. (2006) study proved that weak governance can result in firms incurring higher debt financing costs. While in Sengupta (1998) study find out that there is a negative relationship between firms disclosure quality ratings and the cost of debt financing as reflected in realized yields on new debt issues. This also proved by Ziebart and Reiter (1992) where price reactions to the changes of ratings may indicate the market inefficiency or may indicate that the bond rating agency have access to important nonpublic sources of information. Bhojraj and Sengupta (2003) study show that firms with a higher percentage of outside directors on the board and with greater institutional ownership enjoy lower bond yields and higher ratings on their new debt issues. On the other hand, Skaife et al. (2006) study show that firms wi th stronger shareholder rights have higher share values and enjoy a lower cost of equity capital. Beside, their study also posit that if governance is weak, the firms distribution of future cash flows will shift downward relative to what it would be with more effective governance. Ziebart and Reiter (1992) also prove that bond ratings and bond yields are negatively correlated where higher the yields are required by investors to compensate for the risk of investing in the lower rates bonds. Prior studies on corporate governance tend to focus on one attribute of governance, e.g., board independence, as opposed to studying a broad set of governance attributes intended to protect stakeholders claims to firms resources (Bhojraj and Sengupta, 2003). Germane to bondholder interests, Bhojraj and Sengupta study posit that firms with a greater proportion of outside directors on the board provide better monitoring of management actions. Thus, bondholders face less agency risks vis-a` -vis m anagement. They posit that this, in turn, will lead to higher bond ratings and lower debt yields. Consistent with this conjecture, they find that firms with a higher proportion of non-officer directors enjoy lower bond yields and higher ratings on new bond issues (Skaide et al., 2006). Sulong and Nor (2010) study is motivated to provide an evidence on the effectiveness of monitoring and control mechanisms through dividend, types of ownership structure, and board governance on firm value during post-reform period in Malaysia. Therefore, it can be said that corporate governance mechanisms exist to protect and enhance the interests of shareholders, as well as to protect the interests of minority shareholders against managers and controlling shareholders (Sulong and Nor, 2010). Ponnu (2008) affirmed that companies with better corporate governance have a better operating performance than those companies with poor corporate governance which was concurrent with the view that better gove rnance firms might have more efficient operations, resulting in higher expected returns and therefore, good corporate governance helps to generate investors goodwill and confidence. Our direct measure of the cost of bond financing is Yield Spread, defined as the difference between the at-issue yield spread of the bond and a U.S. Treasury bond with comparable maturity, measured in basis points. This measure has been widely used in the literature to capture the ex-ante cost of debt (Liu and Jiraporn, 2010; Bhojraj and Sengupta, 2003). In this paper, they attempt to investigate how bondholders assess the quality of the bond issues given that they can observe the power structure of the issuing firms. The separation of roles between CEO and board Chairman also has been recommended by the MCCG 2001. In contrast to the majority of prior studies that mostly focus on developed markets such as US and UK, but Sulong and Nor (2010) study are utilizes the non-financial Malaysian listed fir ms panel dataset for a large firms sample during the post-reform period taken by Malaysian capital market regulators. Furthermore, the firms listed on Bursa Malaysia are relatively smaller and more growth oriented compared to those in the developed market. Koehn and Ueng (2005) study find out that companies that have a weaker boards will performed poorly and this will due to less profitable and reported earning with a higher volatility than firm that characterized as having a stronger corporate governance. They also stated out that institutional investors believed that best practice of corporate governance will benefits shareholders over a long haul. This also proves by Bushman study who stated that governance is posited to get weaker as the proposition of inside directors increases. The weaker position of governance will give a greater managerial power over the boards which lead to a higher incidence of backdating executive stock options. On the other hand, in Liu and Jirapor n (2010) study, they show that by controlling CEO characteristic, CEO pay slice have a negative effect on credit ratings and positive effect on yield spreads. They find out that institutional ownership is the most important tools to determine the credit ratings and yield spreads. Hence, they conclude that the stronger CEO power is associated with a higher cost of bond financing and lower credit ratings. Overall, CEO power will has a significant yield increasing effect on the cost of bond financing (Liu and Jiraporn, 2010). 2.4 Concluding Remarks Based on overall review that been done, many author are using panel data since few country or company and few years been study together to find out the effect of corporate governance on bond yields and bond ratings; relationship between bond yields and bond ratings; institutional relationship with bond yields and bond ratings. The tests that have been use in almost all of the study are Correlations, OLS regression, descriptive statistic and causalities tests. Finding from most of the researchers are almost the same since most of the variables are being use in few study are the same. Mostly of the review findings show that bond ratings and bond yields have an inverse relationship where when bond ratings are high, bond yields will be lower. Since corporate governance become more popular in today business world, therefore, there are many researcher studies about corporate governance in Malaysia which started after the Asian Financial Crisis in 2007 due to weak corporate governan ce in the corporations. Although this is the case, but half of the literature review in this study are based on other countries study like United States to have a similar view on corporate governance between Malaysia and other countries.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Most Overlooked Answer for Ideas for Essay Topics on the Things They Carried

The Most Overlooked Answer for Ideas for Essay Topics on the Things They Carried You shouldn't talk about something that is an all inclusive certainty or for the most part acknowledged proclamation. It is fundamental that there's consistently a keep going idea over the long haul. In this manner, you must be sure that the means bode well that one may follow without rehashing or skirting any of the means. These things can distance somebody from all that they've at any point wanted. Carrying on with the awesome life and carrying on with an incredible life aren't the indistinguishable thing. Other than my card I have two or three bills lying around in the event that I am placed in a situation where credit isn't acknowledged. There are various ways for a man to pick up from his excursion. Along these lines, instructors have an extremely clear thought regarding what an understudy gets it. Anyway skilled and certain you're in your work. It doesn't give an entire image of the activity. Promo ting and the media are presently almost indivisible from society for an entirety. Investigate the structure of the activity. In examples I have had energy for a particular subject, for another person, for a simple life or perhaps to make a convoluted one. Give close consideration to everything electronic, and you will be sure to discover something easily proven wrong of what you see. Every so often, there are different systems to play out the method, and the author should take a gander at the crowd's information. On the off chance that an understudy needs not exclusively to have an awesome imprint yet additionally to be certain ends for oneself, at that point it is important to require some investment to peruse the first work. The Death of Ideas for Essay Topics on the Things They Carried The objective of a significant paper is to make evaluative abilities. School competitors should be paid 17. Perusing books which he was unable to peruse in working hours. Understudies may regularly comprehend the structure with just a snappy amount of guidance. Assembling and deals of cruisers in different components of t he Earth, particularly North America and Japan, have expanded during the last quarter. These vehicles are additionally called self-governing vehicles. Vehicles have become among the most basic attributes of the advanced life. Thoughts for Essay Topics on the Things They Carried: the Ultimate Convenience! The following segment is portraying the correct methods for composing a genuine war story. Look at the devotion page of the novel and investigate how it's associated with the accounts. Also, this isn't the end of the story yet. Use a lot of models from the narratives to fortify your point. The Basic Facts of Ideas for Essay Topics on the Things They Carried Essays on vehicles can pick the sort of an individual paper. Examining the theme will allow you to discover progressively about what intrigues you, and should you pick something you genuinely like, composing the article will be increasingly charming. It's critical to choose easily proven wrong factious exposition subjects as you need contradicting focuses you can counter to your own focuses. Moral pugnacious article subjects are a couple of the most straightforward to lose it with. Any significant exposition should begin with a postulation. A proposition should be clear and reasonable. The aim of a discourse article is to talk about a questionable theme. Verify that you affirm the exposition models beneath to make sure about more wellsprings of thoughts! Thoughts for Essay Topics on the Things They Carried Explained An incredible arrangement is to include a couple of citations, factual information or charming realities which will assist with making the content additionally intriguing and get the peruser's advantage. The principal thought to remember while composing a proposition is that a theory is probably going to make a contention. The absolute first region of the sentence will be a needy provision, and the subsequent part will be the autonomous proviso. At precisely the same time, it is important to carry the changes to ensure the flow of thoughts, and when updating the exposition one sums up the procedure as a quick advance guide. Thoughts for Essay Topics on the Things They Carried Options Additionally, these articles cause it feasible for understudies to create basic deduction aptitudes to move toward a wide scope of points. You don't need to open new inquiries. Conceptualize a few thoughts you may utilize. It tends to be trying to settle a point for your discourse at whatever point you have loads of recommendations to pick from.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Solutions to Essay Topics List in English

<h1> Solutions to Essay Topics List in English </h1> <h2> Essay Topics List in English for Dummies</h2> <p>When you create the exposition, you have to pick 1 side to focus on. As a matter of fact, a lot of factious articles are in actuality influential papers. It is tied in with belligerence and bantering on a point, which is far from being obviously true. A pugnacious paper expects you to pick a subject and have a situation on it. </p> <p>If you should make a more drawn out or increasingly confounded article, it might assist with illustrating each side of the contention before you start composing. Along these lines, you can ask all the fundamental inquiries and counsel on certain focuses. Set forth plainly, it ought to give a keep going explanation that addresses the huge focuses which you've made in your paper. It's imperative to choose begging to be proven wrong pugnacious article subjects since you need contradicting focuses that you can counter to your own focuses. </p> <p>You're ready to figure out how to create a pugnacious exposition by following some customary strides for composing an article alongside by doing a few things which are required for contentious papers, such as refering to your sources. Giving your postulation at the finish of your absolute first section will assist with managing your perusers all through the rest of your article. Hence, to form an incredible exposition you must conceptualize all contemplations concerning your background. Normally, it does exclude references and statements in it. </p> <p>Furthermore, there's additionally the interest for learning or bettering their English Language abilities along with the inundation in an outsider climate. English language classes as a rule take a ton of composing. To compose an awesome contentious exposition the understudies initially should explore a few sides of the contention, which empowers them to make an informed position. As you are learning English, you t ruly have an advantage. </p> <p>When it has to do with the center school, the contentious exposition consolidates moderate subjects. By method of model, in school, you may be mentioned to make a paper from the contradicting viewpoint. The contentious article is an average task, yet educators may introduce it in various extraordinary manners. The expectation of relegating an exposition to center school understudies is to make mindfulness and grant them to create composing aptitudes. </p> <h2>Ruthless Essay Topics List in English Strategies Exploited </h2> <p>You may locate that some of the subjects can be adjusted to suit practically any kind of composing task. A subject sentence is the underlying sentence in a passage, and it sums up the rest of the section. Retaining word records isn't the best approach to develop your jargon bank. To pick which subject you're probably going to examine, it's pivotal to see the total assortment of good influential discourse points from the extraordinary territory of study.</p> <p>Merely referencing the likenesses and contrasts isn't sufficient in the event that one can't dissect the key thoughts. You should think about an idea and offer some proof. Frequently it gets extreme to pick 1 point either by virtue of the numerous thoughts in the understudy's head, or because of their total nonappearance. </p> <p>All you need to do is a little research and offer path to your innovativeness. There's a huge answer for your issue! In secondary school, you should pick the sort of subject you will be in a situation to dive into that is, you must make a point to can run over enough data on the issue. At the point when you're picking your subject, remember that it's a lot less difficult to expound on something which you directly have intrigue ineven on the off chance that you don't have a clue about a decent arrangement about it. </p> <h2> Top Essay Topics List in English Choices </h2> <p>You can get the perfect custom exposition help from us in various themes. Settling on your subject isn't unreasonably simple. So ensure you select a subject, which has values in it. It is fundamental to choose an extraordinary point as an approach to create a brilliant paper. </p> <p>There are an assortment of approaches to make a paper with regards to structure and configuration. Also, if English isn't your local language let us know whether you require a mediator. Use change words to procure your content intelligible and easy to peruse. Perusing the content in reverse make you focus on the principles of language instead of the surge of the sentence.</p> <p>Essay's basic component is the theme, that is the subject you will portray. You will discover increasingly about the subject, and you'll have more jargon words to advance the exposition. Frequently, the perfect point is one which you really care about, however you likewise should prepare to explore it.</p> <p>You ought to likewise cause sure to have in your factious article To request explanation. Try not to start composing your exposition after you've perused the subject. You will likely find an alternate and stunning point you will love to expound on. Looking into the subject licenses you to discover progressively about what intrigues you, and should you pick something you genuinely like, composing the paper will be more enjoyable.</p>

Friday, May 22, 2020

A Few Tips For Preparation For Your Junior College Exams

<h1>A Few Tips For Preparation For Your Junior College Exams</h1><p>Exam papers for youngsters are something that they should read for and complete as they get ready for the primary semester of school. Junior school is the perfect time to start a vocation, yet it can likewise be an unpleasant time, particularly when a ton of work must be done so as to procure cash to cover everyday costs and move into your own dorm.</p><p></p><p>Students ought to be mindful so as not to hesitate on the grounds that it can end up being very adverse. However, with these tips for getting ready for junior school tests, understudies will have a simpler time finishing their desk work and become more efficient.</p><p></p><p>The first interesting point is the understudy's timetable. Observe which days you don't have classes on those days and attempt to set up your paper the prior night. As understudies can just step through examinations at spe cific times, it is essential to keep awake to date with current timetables. On the off chance that you have adaptability to test during those occasions, at that point do so.</p><p></p><p>Next, make sense of what sort of paper you will compose. For instance, on the off chance that you are composing an exposition, at that point begin composing the principal section first and make certain to get the correct data down before you continue. Other than that, remember to discover a book or other reference material that you can use as you are writing.</p><p></p><p>Last, when taking tests, understudies should attempt to go on the web and research different assets and kinds of papers that they can take a gander at. Doing so will permit them to take a gander at all the various kinds of test papers accessible, including test papers, end of the year tests, short answers, postulation, and even exposition. By taking a gander at all of the various type s of paper, an understudy will have the option to locate the best one for the test and is bound to have the option to address each address correctly.</p><p></p><p>Writing practice tests is likewise an incredible method to take tests. In addition to the fact that it is useful, it will help hone your abilities and assist you with finishing the test without agonizing over things being excessively troublesome. You can buy a prep course online to assist you with getting ready for your school test, or you can just download test questions. In either case, it is essential to ensure that you know precisely what kind of inquiries you are going to face.</p><p></p><p>Preparing for the test isn't equivalent to getting ready for a test at school. With a couple of tips, an understudy can finish their own lesser school paper and have the option to take it and pass it. At the point when you are reading for your senior paper, ensure that you invest a gr eat deal of energy examining and making sense of how to breeze through the assessment. Since there is no test this year, it is significant that the understudies are arranged and knowing the various kinds of paper is the most ideal approach to guarantee they have enough information to pass.</p><p></p><p>As an understudy, you need to ensure that you are readied and that you can tackle issues and find solutions right. These tips for paper planning are going to give you the data you should be an incredible understudy, and will empower you to achieve the entirety of your objectives for college.</p>

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Research Paper Topics on Gun Control

<h1>Research Paper Topics on Gun Control</h1><p>Writing an examination paper on firearm control is fundamentally the same as composing different points. You should comprehend the general issue and the outcomes of that issue before composing your examination paper. The analyst should then pick a theme that he/she can bolster with data, inquire about, and evidence.</p><p></p><p>One of the greatest issues of intrigue when investigating firearm control is the impacts of weapons on the general public all in all. Weapons make wrongdoing since hoodlums don't have any desire to be gotten with firearms and think the laws are on their side.</p><p></p><p>There are likewise inquire about papers on firearm control composed without anyone else announced specialists regarding the matter. These specialists regularly have mastery in some territory. For instance, there are firearm proprietors who compose a specialist's examination paper on the most proficient method to arm themselves. While the scholars may have real ability in this subject, they may likewise be faking that expertise.</p><p></p><p>When a specialist composes an article about something they might not have aptitude in, it is the peruser's obligation to scrutinize their cases. For this situation, the scientist must peruse their article, examine whether they have genuine mastery, and afterward take a gander at the nature of the proof they give. The data they furnish must be sponsored up with realities and proof that can be examined by others.</p><p></p><p>To compose an examination paper on firearm control, you should find out about the historical backdrop of weapons and the reasons they were utilized before. Your examination paper should address how weapons will influence you and your family. The discoveries you produce ought to likewise identify with the ebb and flow weapon control discussion and how you believe that discussion should influence our society.</p><p></p><p>Writing research papers resembles some other research task you take. It should respond to the inquiry. Your exploration paper ought to likewise be all around inquired about. This implies you should go through sound sources to back your realities. Try not to depend on a solitary source.</p><p></p><p>Your look into paper must be written in a reasonable and compact manner. It ought to have the option to be perused without a level of trouble. Your exploration paper ought to likewise be efficient. In the event that you have all the information you need in one spot, your examination paper will be simpler to peruse and follow.</p><p></p><p>Writing research paper points on weapon control might be very simple in the event that you follow these means. In any case, when you're composing an examination paper that will speak to your perspective, it tends to be progressively troublesome. Now, the essayist must choose which side of the contention they put stock in and cautiously explore the realities to demonstrate it.</p>

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay on How The Middle Ages Earned Its Many Titles

The Middle Ages began around A.D. 500, which was after the western half of the Roman Empire collapsed. They lasted to about A.D.1400 and are referenced as a period of time that experienced violence by Barbaric invasion, feudalism, disease, and strong feelings for faith. The Dark Ages, the Age of Feudalism and the Age of Faith are all appropriate titles however the label that best fits is the Age of Faith because of the political, economic and social influence the church held. The middle ages are often identified as the Dark Age because of the Black Death, invasions by the Barbarians, and because of lack of enlightenment for the common people. A plague most likely originating from Asia spread throughout Europe. Towns and even large cities†¦show more content†¦(OI) Not everyone was able to become a part of the clergy so they were reliant on these people to share the word of God with them. The Dark Ages has negative impact because the increased reliance on the church gave them even more power, and this challenged Kings and created potential political tension. During the middle ages the lack of protection and a stable government after the Fall of Rome created the need for a new political system. Feudalism was the political system that emerged and shaped the lives of people socially and politically. Manors were small communities that were made up of a castle, church, village, and land for farming. The structured society provided a place and responsibility for everyone. The feudal obligations showed that in exchange for one thing they would be provided with something else. Serfs and peasants would work and produce goods for the rest of the manor and in return had their land and promised protection. The vassals would need to obtain land from the Lord and in return would provide the Lord with military service, loyalty, and ransom if asked for (Doc. 4). To make clear the vassal’s specific allegiance to their lord whom they owed in for exchange for their fief they would take the Homage Oath (Doc. 2). This interdependent system required everyone to do their part and it created social classes that they were born into. Their daily lives were centered on the manor and that was how it stayed until towns began toShow MoreRelatedRomeo And Juliet Film Analysis879 Words   |  4 Pageslovers and has become a major trope within popular culture, so much so that it has been adapted to screen several times within the last century. In 1936, George Cukors version stared Norma Shearer as Juliet and Leslie Howard as Romeo and the film earned several nominations at the Academy Awards including Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor, Best Actress, and Best Art Direction. 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His conquests against the many adversaries of the Holy Roman Empire expandedRead MoreThe Life Of Sylvia Path1212 Words   |  5 PagesMassachusetts, she tolerated an unpleasant and depressing childhood. Sylvia Path was born on October 27,1932 to Aurelia Schobert Plath and Otto Emile Plath. Her father was an author and professor, who taught at Boston University. There was a significant age difference between Plath’s parents; her mother was twenty-one years younger to her father. â€Å"The couple met when her mother was attaining Master’s Degree in teaching and opted one of his father’s course†. â€Å"The grandparents of Otto wanted him to becomeRead MoreEffectiveness Of The Program For Reading Achievement And Vocabulary Development1492 Words   |  6 Pagesgroups based on the number of AR points accrued. High AR users consisted of students that read more than 10 books per year and earned 75 or more points. 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The war not only caused famine, and starvation all around Europe, but also included around 20 million recorded deaths. About one third of the population was wiped out. Countless towns in Europe had a loss of more than 40% of their population. In fact Paris lostRead MorePersonal Statement On Sports And Sports988 Words   |  4 Pagestried out for a volleyball team on a whim at the age of thirteen; later, with the prodding of my coach, I continued on to basketball tryouts that same fall. I had never truly applied myself to sports before the 2009-2010 season, but something came alive in my mind that year. Athletics has taught me more life lessons than I could expound upon in a single essay, but perhaps the single most important lesson that I learned while playing sports in middle and high school is that I should not be afraid to

Friday, May 15, 2020

Reflection Essay Samples

Reflection Essay SamplesThe resource pack has a couple of questions that are asked in reflection essay samples, which we will address here. These questions are meant to provide additional information about the sample, and will help students understand it better when they are having difficulty with the essay question.How is the reflection essay written? The first question that is asked on reflection essay samples is whether or not the writing style is one-sided. Some writers choose to write one-sided essays and that can be done with just about any writing style.The writer must also choose the writing style that is appropriate for the situation. Students may consider writing one-sided essays if they have to do an essay to help their teacher get the work done or if they have to write one because they are having trouble with the topic or concept.How does the reflection essay come about? Some writing resources encourage students to prepare their reflection essay when they first start a co urse. Others recommend working on it at the beginning of the semester.Many students also find that the essays reflect what is going on in their lives at that time. This can be helpful for when the essay comes time to send the paper to a college or university, as some students will want to make sure the essay reflects their current situation.Will the student who wrote the reflection essay be thanked? Some writing resources include this question in the reflection essay samples. You may feel comfortable saying 'no' to this question, but in most cases the instructor does not expect students to be thanked for their work, especially if they have done a lot of work and the paper is not long enough to warrant one.Does the student write from his or her own experience? This is a common question and it requires a little research. If the student writes from his or her own experiences, he or she will get credit for writing from his or her experience.These are just a few of the reflection essay s amples that are available. These are frequently asked questions, but it is a good idea to ask these questions before you begin the process. You should also consider the resources you are using and find out what will be most appropriate for your needs.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Using Free Essay Samples To Help You Write Your Health Essay

<h1>Using Free Essay Samples To Help You Write Your Health Essay</h1><p>Free exposition tests can be of extraordinary assistance when you are simply beginning to compose your own papers. They are likewise extraordinary to surrender you a heads about the kind of expositions that are generally mainstream and that you should concentrate on composing. These papers are normally utilized in schools for understudies to attempt to get a thought of what they are fouling up, or what should be possible to enhance their insight into wellbeing subjects.</p><p></p><p>Essays can likewise be an extraordinary assistance when you are searching for help composing articles about wellbeing. Numerous individuals compose papers about specific subjects. For instance, they will compose an exposition on sports, governmental issues, business, books, and so forth. In the event that you are keen on expounding on wellbeing and medication, you will discover many free examp les available.</p><p></p><p>Essays can likewise be utilized in school, particularly on account of clinical diary articles. You will for the most part be required to compose a clinical diary article. This is on the grounds that individuals need to think about the wellbeing of their country, and what their legislatures do to secure them. You will likewise be approached to compose on a specific theme, with the goal that the editorial manager will have the option to make sense of what sort of research you can do, and whether you fit into the class that he is looking for.</p><p></p><p>There are numerous ways that you can utilize free paper tests to assist you with composing your article. One path is to figure out which subject you need to expound on, and afterward simply go on the web and take a gander at the sites of the different subjects that you are keen on. This will permit you to discover what sorts of expositions they have composed r egarding these matters, and how these subjects are typically written.</p><p></p><p>In expansion to this, you can likewise utilize free paper tests to realize what themes individuals who expound on specific points regularly talk about. At the point when you see free exposition tests, you can see if or not these subjects are profoundly examined, and whether these themes are viewed as more fascinating than others. You will likewise have the option to figure out which points are progressively well known with perusers, and whether you can fit into these topics.</p><p></p><p>Once you discover what these free article tests really do, you can start composing. At the point when you have finished your exposition, you can submit it to a paper or magazine that covers the subject that you picked. When you have submitted it, you will have the option to check whether you got any honors. This will assist you with choosing whether or not this is a dece nt vocation decision for you.</p><p></p><p>Finally, you can take an interest in online exposition rivalries. You will have the option to pick a classification, or compose a solitary article. It doesn't make a difference what you pick, as long as you have looked into a theme. You should simply utilize the free article tests that you have accessible to you, and you will have the option to complete your essay.</p><p></p><p>Whether you decide to compose papers about a wellbeing subject, sports, legislative issues, writing, or some other point, you will discover free exposition tests that you can utilize. You ought to consistently remember this, as you start composing your own papers about the subjects that intrigue you.</p>

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Magical Answers to Academic Interest Essay Samples Disclosed

<h1> Magical Answers to Academic Interest Essay Samples Disclosed </h1> <h2> The One Thing to Do for Academic Interest Essay Samples </h2> <p>Professor Mitchell got an award to have a classification of understudies to Belgium in order to examine the EU. Social work associations offer you these definitions. The course materials that you need to talk about inside a scholarly exposition can mirror your level of comprehension about the control. Uncover proof after your proposition articulation introduction. </p> <p>It's getting consistently progressively imperative in the present interconnected and progressively defenseless overall scene and necessitates that associations keep being lithe and persevering. It ought to be valuable to a specific gathering or to the heft of the scholastic network. Social work is a wide calling that meets with various orders. Partaking in such a gigantic report from starting to complete has approved my enthusiasm for scholarly research for a profession.</p> <p>You may utilize the examples as an establishment for turning out how to write in the best possible style. The audit is going to show you anything you desire to comprehend and afterward it is conceivable to put your buy unquestionably. Our surveys contain subtleties, for example, the score of the customers, our rating, beginning costs, Discounts, and gauge of the papers. Make certain to track with the fitting organization, comprising of the general segments of an article. </p> <h2> Gossip, Deception and Academic Interest Essay Samples </h2> <p>The peruser of the work gets the opportunity to look at the tale of each character as if he was close by. Presently things began to get extremely fascinating. Being a piece of a brilliant instructive establishment can be expensive. All of composed work provided by the authors, best case scenario Custom-Essays. </p> <h2> Key Pieces of Academic Interest Es say Samples </h2> <p>An article diagram will permit you to sort out the complete structure of your exposition. At the point when you are mentioned to form an exposition, endeavor to find a few examples (models) of comparative composition and figure out how to watch the specialty of the essayist. Stephen's article is very viable. Since scholastic articles are well known in the matter of training and research, you should ensure your composing is both intelligent, fascinating and enlightening. </p> <p>These types of papers are ensured to snooze off your perusers. All in all, it would appear that task expositions keep on getting an unmistakable part in tertiary instruction as an appraisal device. Let EssayEdge assist you with creating an application paper which gets took note. Forming a reasonable vocation objectives article can be troublesome should you not really have any aspirations. </p> <h2>Facts, Fiction and Academic Interest Essay Samples </h2> <p>Thus, to put it short, this exposition on profession objectives truly can decide your future once since on the off chance that you don't convince the conceivable boss they should enlist you or the confirmations board to offer you a chance to learn at their school, you're losing a decent possibility. Having gathered all the focuses, it will be less hard for you to include your own conclusion about the activity. Each serious game makes it workable for lovers to see the game. The enormous concerns give n beneath, among others, give drive to the territory of digital security. </p> <p>The significant thought of this kind of exposition is progressively far reaching disentangling of an unmistakable part of the activity. In the occasion the creator is an individual, at that point their absolute first name is utilized first. This sort of exposition includes a kind of investigation of the work or point. On the off chance that you wish to make a scholarly paper that is both exceptional and significant, consistently place the things that we've examined above in mind.</p> <p>The profoundly compelling articulation picked up from words is promptly underestimated. This might be an incredible strategy, however you must be sure to utilize article tests the correct way. The thought process of your paper is imperative to be esteemed as it can recognize whether it's conceivable to be of help to the people who need a particular instructive reference. </p> <p>This development is somewhat cumbersome. It is essential to remember your work is the surge of your own musings, which are framed on the grounds of a specific arrangement. By perusing this segment you will make sense of if dire cutoff times are acknowledged and in the occasion the supplier in fact regards your cutoff times. </p>

Friday, May 8, 2020

Using Fordham Social Work Admission Essay Samples

Using Fordham Social Work Admission Essay SamplesThere are a lot of social work essay samples available online. Some are complete, but many more are just sample essays to get students started on their quest for a social work degree. These resources are a great way to compare one piece of writing with another. They are also a great way to keep your students motivated throughout the course.Essays from within this program are usually about an essay topic, which matches up with your major. You may have a certain subject which is covered in the course and want to use a sample essay that's from within your major. Other students may have specific subjects in mind to go after when writing their own essay. Either way, you should get your hands on a piece of writing that is from within your major so that you can see how it's done and gain some ideas from it.In some cases, you might be able to find older essays that were written for social work courses and figure out how to use them to build yo ur own essay. The Internet is a great place to find these resources. Whether you're looking for Fordham social work admissioin samples for college, or to write your own, you'll find everything you need online.When you're looking for writing samples, consider how your student's skill level will affect how much writing will be required from them. If they're going to be writing a lot, then they might as well have a sample that they can start with and apply to their own efforts. However, if your student isn't going to be writing as much as they used to, you can still use these writings to get them started and see what sort of results you get.Essays from within this program are generally required to be 3,000 words long. Because they're the same length as traditional English essays, this is plenty of material to make sure you can use them for your students. You can also have your students include some additional material to help make the essay better.It's always a good idea to share your teaching with other colleges or employers, so don't hesitate to discuss your ideas with your peers and admissions officers. This will help you better understand what writing samples would be best for a social work program. In the same way, you'll learn what sort of writing styles would be best for the program you're applying to.Once you've found a few sources, you can send your student an essay and explain the writing process and ask them to comment on it with their comments. You can also ask them to provide a response to the essay if you haven't given them anything in writing. This is a great way to get feedback from your students before you hand them a final draft.Each school needs to meet certain criteria before they're allowed to receive grants and loans. They'll usually cover all their bases, so you'll be able to get your students started on their path without any problems. You'll be glad you shared your passion for teaching with them and got them started on a great career.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth Essay

Midterm Review 1.1 Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth 1. Archeologists believe that the decisive differentiation between humans and apes occurred from 6 to 8 million years ago. 2. They have interpreted to different DNA analysis of bone fragments to show bipedalism. From the creature Ardepithecus ramidus, many different species of humans have developed from there. 3. Humans first appear on Earth in the Paleolithic Age where they inhabited all continents except for Antarctica. Homo sapiens had forelimbs freed from walking and opposable thumbs and also the development of the large brain. 4. The tools were created from wood, bone, and stone. They were created by breaking off the edges of stone cores to cr3eate points or cutting†¦show more content†¦There were many domesticated crops such as corn, rice, potatoes, squash and peppers. As for animals there are animals such as goats, sheep, cows, water buffalo, chickens, camels, horses and pigs are just some of them. 13. They had to work cooperatively to create space and create water control systems to grow crops in those empty lands. 14. They impacted environmental diversity and domesticating numerous amounts of animals on grasslands which lead to erosion. 15. They lead to more reliable and abundant amount of food supplies which helped increase the population. 16. Social effects that occurred is surpluses of food and other goods led to the specialization of labor or division of labor, that also included different classes of artisans and warriors and also the development of the elites. 17. Pottery, plows, woven textiles, metallurgy, wheels and vehicles with wheels are some technological innovations that helped in the growth of agriculture. 1.3 The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral, and Urban Societies 18. To be a civilization, it need to have generation of reliable surpluses, highly specialized occupations, clear social class distinctions, growth of cities, complex and formal governments, long-distance trade, and lastly organized writing systems. A civilization is used to describe the idea of developing an understanding of the changing nature of early human social organization. 19. They had more of a demand forShow MoreRelatedBig Geography And The Peopling Of The Earth2489 Words   |  10 PagesName: _____Elizabeth Tilley______ Period 1: Technological and Environmental Transformations, to c. 600 B.C.E Key Concept 1.1. Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth TERM Definition Significance Paleolithic Period The first period of the Stone Age During this period, humans first figured out how to use stones as tools, and hunter-gatherers grouped together to form small bands. They migrated from East Africa, and the tools they used changed as they adapted to the different climates. The majorityRead MoreAp World History Midterm Study Guide Essay953 Words   |  4 PagesAP World History Midterm Study Guide Period 1: Technological and Environmental Transformations, to c. 600 BCE Key Concept 1.1 Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth 1. Humans first appeared on Earth during the Paleolithic Era. The evidence of burial grounds, stone tools, and other items shows a general migration path of humans out of Africa, and support the theory that these groups were nomadic hunters and foragers. Early humans were mobile and could adapt to different geographical settingsRead MorePathfinders: A Global History of Exploration by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto1063 Words   |  5 Pages History has two big stories to tell--the story of how humans diverged over many millenia, and the story of how they later re-converged, lac[ing] the world together with routes of contact. Pathfinders: A Global History of Exploration by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto chronicles human exploration throughout history beginning with the peopling of the earth through the earliest pathfinders and continuing up to the near-present age of globalization. Felipe Fernà ¡ndez-Armesto is an historian and the WilliamRead MoreAmerica s New World Beginnings3128 Words   |  13 PagesChapter 1- New World Beginnings -The Shaping of North America . originally Earth had only one super continent, this continent split into several smaller ones, one of which would later be called North America . as millions of years passed North America’s geography began to change, mountain ranges sprung up, rivers flowed across the vast land, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, the entire continent was changing . two million years ago an ice age swept across the world, North America was part ofRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesand retreat of the process of globalization. 8 †¢ INTRODUCTION Exploring the forces that explain this dynamic not only helps to explain some of the apparent paradoxes that bedevil those who aspire to make sense of the history of planet Earth over a span of more than a hundred years but also provides the basis for maintaining a semblance of continuity despite the genuinely cataclysmic break points that obscure the century’s fundamental unity. CH APTER 1 _ World Migration in

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Personal and Organizational Development

Question: Discuss the current marketplace for graduate employment opportunities (including graduate training programmes). In this section you can provide a general overview or focus on a particular industry or even your particular discipline, for example, finance. Answer: Introduction Singapore has a successful open market economy and regularly scores well on lists of the least corrupt nation all over the world. Since 2009, the country has been ensuring booming work opportunities and has achieved a strong growth economically. These all the reason the percentage of nations unemployment has been reduced by 2 percent in 2014 (Islam and Kirkpatrick 2016). For healthy job market in Singapore, the nation is now in the third position relating to the per capital income. In this context, Singapores graduate medical field is going to be discussed in this assignment. Discussion Singapore has established a strong healthcare excellence. Currently the nation is holding the worlds forth best position in healthcare. The best part is that the nation is currently spending less than 4 percent of GDP on this industry and still providing a universal coverage for Singaporeans with several layers of care (Brown, Lauder and Sung 2015). Singapore is among the best in the world for practicing high standard medical science. There are a lot of craze among Singaporean youth to join in the healthcare business. In the year of 2011, the graduate medical education of Singapore has been modeled after the UK system. This new system was based on cumulative assessments and apprenticeship (Docquier, Ozden and Peri 2014). After graduate, the doctor generally spent their first year as an intern and after that they could select the course of graduate medical science. In graduate medical studies, the students are gone through a lot of basic specialty training for the period of three year s. Furthermore, the system accommodates another 3 years specialty training for advanced studies. In the previous graduate medical education system prior to 2010, a lot of focus was given on training, structured rotational supervision system under the departments head. Eventually, the broad based surgery training was reduced. Fig 1: Graduate Medical Education System Prior to 2010 According to previous graduates, there were many concerns raised previously regarding the system of the medical practice in Singapore. The lack of training, structural deficiency, and insufficient supervision were the main defaults found in the graduate medical training process. After the recent remodeled structure, the graduate medical students are getting various opportunities to work as intern and get the exposure of real time experience under supervising patients with qualified doctors. Furthermore, newer competencies such as communication, professionalism, scholarly activities, practice based learning and system base practice all incorporated in the changed graduate medical practice curriculum. Singapores knowledge and innovation intensity economy is the reason for the remarkable growth in medical technology. All medical graduates are getting the best facilities and structural supports through their learning process. On the other side, many hospitals are developed by the ministry of health, Singapore. The government has largely contributed towards an integrated care model to provide patients holistic and integrated care. Singapore now has the First World Health care system, rated sixth in the world by the World Health organization. Fortunately, the medical graduate students have been quite efficiently handling all their responsibilities. They have successfully increased the life expectancy of Singaporean people, increased survival rates of infant, and successfully achieved one of lowest fewer than five mortality rates across the world. However, many Malaysian medical graduates find difficulties to accommodate themselves for housemanship in their hospitals, whereas Singapore graduates are not facing any difficulties because hospitals provide all such provision for their undergraduates. The best part about the current programs is that they can increase their self attentiveness, responsiveness by practicing best practice method on daily basis. Recently Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimahs one of the physicians said that Malaysian graduates hardly get instant opportunity for housemanship (Leggett and Cook 2014). Thus, a large section of Malaysian students has taken up offers from Singapore. Apart from the growth content, Singapore graduate medical authorities have been criticized by Malaysian Medical Council. They said that Singapore has already given conditional offers to 20 percent of Universities of Malaysia and University Kebangsaan Malaysia medical students. They further criticized that students have not even sat in their final exams but get their degree on time. However, Singapore government strongly defends all these facts. The context of the graduate labour market of Singapore has changed significantly in recent years just because of the technological and infrastructural development. It has ensured an overall growth of the economy. In case of the medical graduate training programs the DIO has a certain role under the changed healthcare system. The position demands to establish and implement policies and procedures regarding the quality of education and the work environment for the students who are the integral part of this improved training system (Blank and Cheng 2015). It means that many Singaporean are attempting to increase their participation in higher education. A large section of people are trying to engage in healthcare industry because this industry is promising for the nations growth. Ye (2014) has also shown that a more promising picture has emerged prior to 2010, with most healthcare institutions (private or public) increasing their graduate recruitment target for upcoming years. However th ere is a serious issue in the Singaporean labour market that many of the recent medical graduates face being sidelined in favor of those graduates who have gained some valuable practical medical experience as a junior or who have received deferred graduate offers from the employers (Yahya 2015). This issue has become bigger day by day because many employers give their preferences or wants to employ more experienced and potentially more skilled doctors for their health organizations. In other way, instead of recruiting raw graduates, experienced medical practitioners have reentered into the labour market as a result of redundancy. Conclusion By the above discussion, this can be said that Singapore labour market is stable and promising for fresh graduates as well. However, the identified issues must be resolved by the intervention of the Singapore government. The labour market should ensure equal job opportunities for all graduates. References: Blank, R.H. and Cheng, S.H., 2015. Mixed Governance and Healthcare Finance in East Asian Healthcare Systems. In The Palgrave International Handbook of Healthcare Policy and Governance (pp. 359-375). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Brown, P., Lauder, H. and Sung, J., 2015. Global value chains and the future of high skills: evidence from Singapore and implications for the UK. Docquier, F., Ozden, . and Peri, G., 2014. The labour market effects of immigration and emigration in OECD countries. The Economic Journal, 124(579), pp.1106-1145. Driffield, N., 2013. Global competition and the labour market. Routledge. Islam, I. and Kirkpatrick, C., 2016. Export-led development, labour-market conditions and the distribution of income: the case of Singapore. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 10(2), pp.113-127. Leggett, C. and Cook, J., 2014. Human Capital Development in Singapore. Tackling Youth Unemployment, p.301. Yahya, F.B. ed., 2015. Inequality in Singapore. World Scientific Publishing Company. Ye, J., 2014. Labour recruitment practices and its class implications: A comparative analyses of constructing Singapores segmented labour market. Geoforum, 51, pp.183-190.